Our Dimensions of Biodiversity team held a meeting at the Lake Baikal Bolshie Koty field station this summer to discuss teamwork and conflict management. We used a lot of the materials that were shared with us by Pat Soranno and her CSI-Limnology team. So for this Roundtable discussion, I’ll tell you about the materials we used, and policy documents that we are using to manage issues around data sharing, collaboration, and co-authorship…
If you want to check out some reading materials that might be useful, shoot me an email.
Update after our discussion…
1) I agree very much with several of Stacy‘s points about the Kilman conflict instrument – a) it seems very focused on American culture, and b) the structure of and word choice in the survey tends to put positive emphasis on extroversion and quick reaction.
2) Here’s the link to the post about creating a “resentment list” during field work – good for a laugh and also for easing tensions that build in close quarters.
3) Here’s the paper that John Parker and I wrote about working group dynamics – there’s a box where we set out some of the important points about running a working group.

Steve came into my office today while I was trying to fill out my reimbursement forms from the Russian travel this summer – he looked at my desk and commented on this particular side of international collaboration! 🙂
Thanks, Steph, for leading this great discussion and posting a summary! I really enjoyed reading the Smith and Imbrie chapters on teamwork and collaboration as well. The chance to read through the collaboration, data-sharing and authorship policies your team drafted provided a lot of insight into how to manage these situations.
I’ve posted citations/links to the book that the chapters came from, the Thomas-Killman instrument, and an alternative to the T-K instrument (Style Matters: The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory) on the Resources page of this site. Please check them out and let me know if you know about any other resources that should be added to the page.